Superhero Films Wiki
Superhero Films Wiki

New Gods : In March 2018, Ava DuVernay signed on to direct a film centered around the New Gods. Initially with a script written by Kario Salem, Tom King was later brought to co-write the film with DuVernay. Darkseid was planned to be the main antagonist of the film, and the Female Furies were set to appear. The fourth draft of the script was ongoing in 2020. In December, DuVernay said that the COVID-19 pandemic had given her and King time to dig into "the mind and musings of Jack Kirby". New Gods was canceled in April 2021, though Warner Bros. stated that it could be revived in the future. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the project faced difficulties due to Darkseid's role in Zack Snyder's Justice League, and Warner Bros. wanted time to pass before the character appeared again. Later, DuVernay revealed that Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Granny Goodness, and Highfather would have appeared in the film.



  • TBA as Big Barda
  • TBA as Scott Free/Mister Miracle
  • TBA as Uxas/Darkseid
  • TBA as Izaya/Highfather
  • TBA as All-Widow
  • TBA as Granny Goodness
  • TBA as Steppenwolf
  • TBA as Orion



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